Thursday, February 12, 2015


I’m watching a show called “Monsters and Mysteries in America” (S1E3) about something called “Spooklights.” Apparently outside of Joplin, MO. There are lights that dance around a particular area. Leading then trailing cars, doing all kinds of strange things. On the show they’re interviewing witnesses and one asks, “How can a light be in one place and instantly be in another?”

Well, if she just explored the topic she would find that it’s not only possible, it’s been done. It happened on a smaller scale some time ago, but a couple years ago a group of scientists transported a photon 143 km between two Canary Islands (Physicists Quantum Teleport Photons over 88 Miles). Once again science demonstrates what we see as magical is nothing more than the basic workings of the universe.

What about the show’s producers? Couldn't they have done a little research and offered this explanation at the very end?

Don’t they have a responsibility to do some verification if they’re passing something off as truly unknown, an actual mystery?

I’m not seeking more government involvement, I’m seeking their humanity. In the way a teacher, police officer, or anyone else in service to the public has an obligation to the facts; don’t they, if they are presenting them as such?

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